Play4Change 2024 – Call for Games

Play4Change 2024 – Call for Games

The Game Science Research Center (GSRC), in collaboration with Play – Festival del Gioco, PlayRes Cultural Association, and Game in Lab, is pleased to announce the new edition of the Play4Change award, aimed at stimulating and rewarding research, development, and use of Games for Social Change.

Play4Change is relaunched with the support of GiX, the Research Center on Games for Social Change at the University of Florence, a member of the GSRC.

Games for Social Change leverage participation and motivation triggered by gameplay to act as facilitators for a change in attitude or behavior towards topics of collective relevance, such as awareness of social phenomena, critical capacity, civil and civic consciousness, social inclusion, multiculturalism, personal responsibility towards weaker categories, and the environment.

  • Play4Change awards the best projects in games for social change. 
  • All types of games are accepted. 
  • Participation is free and open to everyone.

Application Collection

To apply, please fill out the following form:

Important Dates

  • February 1, 2024: Closing of the call for games
  • May 1, 2024: Announcement of the winners

May 17-19, 2024: Award ceremony during Play – Festival del Gioco

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