Play4Changerewards research,development and the useof Games for Social Change.

We would also like to inform you that:
This edition is accepting applications for the following award categories:
- Original Game for Social Change
- Playful Project as a Driver of Social Change
- Scientific Research on Games as a Tool for Social Change
You can download the full award guidelines with all the details [here].
Why Do We Promote Change?
A game can be considered a system that not only reflects elements of the society in which it was created but is also deeply connected to it, capable of conveying information and sparking reflection. The playful experience can communicate meaningful concepts and values, contributing to social change and encouraging players to take on new roles, explore overlooked aspects of reality, and develop greater awareness.
Games for Social Change, while maintaining their ability to entertain, can act as powerful tools for transformation. They promote changes in attitudes and behaviors regarding issues of collective importance, such as cultural awareness, critical thinking skills, civic responsibility, social inclusion, multiculturalism, and the protection of vulnerable groups and the environment.
Play4Change focuses on Social Change by adopting an approach that seeks to enhance and promote games and projects where play becomes a central tool for education and personal growth, as well as scientific research on games as a means of driving social change. This is not about acquiring traditional subject knowledge (as in standard educational practices) but rather about using games as a tool to develop skills that help individuals understand and navigate the complexities of the world with greater sensitivity and awareness.
The Play4Change Organizing Committee firmly believes in the potential of games when integrated into a broader project that includes appropriate protocols for both the design of playful activities and the evaluation of their impact and effectiveness.
Participation is free and open to everyone.
Play4Change is led by the GAME Science Research Center, which, in collaboration with Play – Festival del Gioco, the Cultural Association PlayRes, and Game in Lab, aims to encourage and reward research, development, and the use of Games for Social Change.
The organization of Play4Change is managed by GiX – Center for Research on Games for Social Change, part of the University of Florence.
The Jury
The award’s jury comprises experts from academia, associations, business sectors, and the educational sphere.
Previous Editions
Learn more about the jury